Good Morning! Are You Tough Enough to Live to Your Fullest Potential?

“Life is great, if you’re tough enough to live it.”
~Aunt Connie Gill

Good morning!   I love this quote that a reader sent in. Perhaps that is what some of us are missing – a “toughness” that enriches our lives. The Challenge program was created to help us “toughen up” and challenge ourselves in every aspect of our life. To me, “becoming tough” is parallel to becoming “personally accountable.” We become tough when we quit diffusing blows to outward circumstances and events, and instead improve upon ourselves.
Maybe it isn’t “tough” so much as “brave.” To stand up for ourselves and what we believe in and what we deserve requires courage and bravery. It is much easier to walk away from a dream than it is to pursue it. Pursuing a dream will involve falling down, bruises, tears, and getting back up one hundred times plus. But I’ll tell you something… I’ve walked both paths and the scenery is vastly different. I would take the scenery of a dream, complete with the bumps and bruises over the “easy” path any day of the week.
Your Turn:
What do you love enough to be brave and courageous for? What do you believe in so strongly, you are willing to risk a bump and a bruise and become “tougher” so that you may diligently pursue the dream?
Your Affirmation:
I am brave and courageous in the pursuit of my dreams.

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