Faith Matters on CD ROM

The Faith Matters Series….

by Brook Noel

About Faith Matters: Created by bestselling author Brook Noel, each Faith Matters study is broken down into bite-size doses of daily devotion, providing questions and reflection space to apply God’s Word to your life.

Faith Matters Volume I
Studies 1 – 4
1. Path of Purpose
2. Living by Example
3. Letting Go of Harmful Emotions
4. Reconnecting with God

$25 USD    sku:CDFM1

Faith Matters Volume II
Studies 5 – 8
1. Character Counts
2. Practicing the Proverbs
3. Words to Remember
4. Renew Your Mind

$25 USD   sku: CDFM2

A Path of Purpose: Welch poet David Whyte wrote: “I don’t want to have written on my tombstone, when finally people struggle through the weeds, pull back the moss, and read the inscription there: ‘He made his car payments.'” While humor is found in Whyte’s quote, great truth is also revealed. My guess is he struggled with the questions that loom over so many of us: What is it all for? Why am I here?  What am I supposed to be doing with my life? In this Faith Matters study we will explore similar struggles faced throughout the Bible and the wisdom God’s Word can shed on purpose. 18 pages

Living by Example: Guidance for Living God’s Word. Okay… so we might all agree that the Bible makes a great guide for living and that God’s word and the examples of Jesus are timeless principles that offer a ray of light to all who strive to follow these footsteps. Yet how do we bring these words alive in our own life? How do we go from reading God’s Word to LIVING God’s word? What can we learn from the teachings of Jesus that can guide us day-in and day-out as we face conflict, stress, difficult choices or confused emotions? In this Faith Matters Study we will read through timeless wisdom of the Bible and work to live by example, by incorporating this wisdom into our own life.  Includes reflections and challenges for practicing these nuggets of wisdom in your daily life. 28 pages

Letting Go of Harmful Emotions: An exploration on releasing worry, anxiety, fear and sadness “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life …”  (Matthew 6:25 NKJV) This study offers a guided exploration through releasing worry, anxiety, fear and sadness by turning them over to God and finding strength in our faith. Verses and stories drawn from the Bible share knowledge and comfort on how to “Let go and Let God.” This study includes 25 daily doses of study and guided activity for building your own inspirational bookmarks. 14 pages

Reconnecting with God: Any relationship can be challenging to maintain in today’s busy life. Ask a woman how many close friends she has and most women can easily count them on one hand. Why? A close relationship requires a resource in tight supply for many–time. Combine that with life’s challenges and upsets and sometimes relationships are shaken or shattered. This study explores what happens when our relationship with God is shaken. How do we reconnect? What does the Bible say? This study is divided into 14 daily doses of devotion. 10 pages

Character Counts: Character is the real “you”– it is who you are when everyone is looking, and maybe more importantly, who you are when no one is looking. In this Faith Matters Study we look at fifteen important character-traits found in the Bible to see how our character does (or doesn’t) embody these traits. This realistic character self-portrait provides a spring board for healthy changes.

Practicing the Proverbs: This study explores 15 Proverbs and includes a call to action to put the Scripture into practice in your own life. There are two implementation ideas for each Proverb ,for a total of 30 ideas to implement over the course of the month. The study is designed as a printable journal to record your experience of practicing the Proverbs. 23 pages

Renew Your Mind: In the Book of Romans we are instructed, “…do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” This verse was a springboard for me to ask some tough questions: How often does my attitude and thinking align with God’s Word? Am I a willing participant in directing my thoughts and attitude toward the will of God? Do I let autopilot take over in my life?
As I sought to answer each question, I compiled 21 verses to create a “Renew Your Mind Month.” In this study I share the verses and reflection-question to offer a path to Renew Your Mind. 28 pages

Words to Remember: “Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds…” Deuteronomy 11:19  Dallas Willard, professor of Philosophy at the University of Southern California, wrote, “If I had to choose between all the disciplines of the spiritual life, I would choose Bible memorization, because it is a fundamental way of filling our minds with what it needs.” In this Faith Matters Study we will learn the basics of memory verses, share favorite verses, learn memorization techniques and tips, and create memory verse cards.  Includes a printable page of 8 business-card sized-memory verses
13 pages

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