“People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Abraham Lincoln Recently my daughter had her second band concert. Her band teacher likes to highlight each student throughout the course of the concert and often … Continue reading
Category Archives: Attitude
“I live by this credo: Have a little laugh at life and look around you for happiness instead of sadness. Laughter had always brought me out of unhappy situations. Even in your darkest moment, you usually can find something to … Continue reading
“Who I am makes a difference” ~a good morning reader found this message on a ribbon that came home from school with her seven-year-old son Good morning! I love that message! Perhaps we should each make a ribbon or card displaying … Continue reading
I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else. Winston Churchill Good morning! Often when I speak or tour I am asked the “secret” to my positive outlook and attitude. People learn of the life … Continue reading
You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.–Brian Tracy Good morning! Mastering the art of … Continue reading
“Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane, the pessimist the parachute.” Author Unknown Good morning! I was talking with a friend yesterday (you know who you are) and she had one of those wonderful … Continue reading
You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.–Brian Tracy Good morning! Inside Brian Tracy’s statement … Continue reading
“I’m getting better every day in every way” Joel Olsteen Good morning! Cathy had just started the challenge when she heard this quote on television. I have heard variations of this quote in different affirmation workbooks and it truly is … Continue reading
Opportunity is an Attitude ~Wendy Good morning! How many times do you catch yourself saying, “If only I had the opportunity to_______ I would _______.” Well, really, we do have that opportunity, right here! right now! knocking at our door! … Continue reading