“Try making two small changes every day. Take a different street, try a new restaurant, change your toothpaste, smile at someone you don’t know, eat dessert first. There’s a lot of landscape to explore off the beaten path.” ~Joan Borysenko, … Continue reading
Category Archives: Your Emotions
“Shrink your worry list. Examine areas in your life where anxiety rules. Does your worrying really make a positive difference in those situations? If not, dump the worry.” ~from Checklists for Life Good morning! Today’s quote is practical in nature, … Continue reading
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” Jim Rohn Good morning! How important it is to recognize that both motivation and habit are needed as we seek to change and improve our lives. Motivation is … Continue reading
“Every day in every way I’m getting better and better.” Emile Coue Good morning! This would be a wonderful quote to add to the routine of how we start our day. What I love most about this is that it … Continue reading
“When we do face difficult times, we need to remember that circumstances don’t make a person, they reveal a person.” ~ Richard Carlson, Ph.D. Good morning! How easy it can be to throw our hands up when faced with difficult … Continue reading
“What you think, you become.” ~ Mohandas Gandhi Good morning! Today we are going to do a simple “emotional self-check.” If you were to embrace the Gandhi quote, and then look at your life yesterday, and how you thought, what … Continue reading
“Be GOOD and do GOOD” Good morning! Today’s quote is shared by Nikki Tuner, along with the following story: “I lost my hearing in 1996 and in 2000 was implanted with a cochlear implant and met my now fiance through … Continue reading
…. This was the very first good morning that I sent to this newsletter group back in 2005. I reprint this once a month for all of our new readers and to remind our “alums” about our good morning routine. … Continue reading
“Sometimes you have to take the leap, and build your wings on the way down.” Kobi Yamada Good morning! Have you ever had a “hunch” about something? You know, that gut feeling that has words or an action “on the … Continue reading
If you had a friend who talked to you like you sometimes talk to yourself, would you continue to hang around with that person? — Rob Bremer, Speaker Good morning! As Debbie noted when she sent the quote, this is … Continue reading