Around the Corner: | “Be GOOD and Do GOOD.” | ||||||
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Good morning!
Today’s quote is shared by Nikki Tuner, along with the following story:
“I lost my hearing in 1996 and in 2000 was implanted with a cochlear implant and met my now fiancé through a mutual friend. On his first email to me, he had this quote in the signature. When I get down I always remind myself to BE GOOD and DO GOOD. I feel like I am living in a more open and accepting way since starting this, because I keep this in my mind throughout the day–even when life throws me a curve ball. IT WORKS.”
“The concept of this quote is to be good to yourself and avoid destructive habits or negative thoughts. By being good to one’s self, you are open to doing good for others, too. This brings harmony to daily life and we are better able to accept life’s challenges since we are in the ‘zone.’ My fiancé and I always say this to each other when saying goodbye for the day…. Be good and Do Good.”
Your Turn:
I encourage you, as I have, to gather courage from Nikki’s sharing. As you go about your day today keep this quote in your mind, “Be good and do good.” Your Affirmation:
I am good to myself and others. I do good for myself and others. |
(c) 2011 Brook Noel and Make Today Matter, LLC. For more information visit |