Good Morning: Live for the Day

"Anyone can carry his burden, however hard, until nightfall. Anyone
can do his work, however hard, for one day.  Anyone can live
sweetly, patiently, lovingly, purely, till the sun goes down.  And
this is all life really means."
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Submitted by Challenger and Good Morning Reader Patsy Ghysels

Good morning! 

I love this quote that Patsy found. How often do we put our energy
into tomorrow's issues instead of focusing on what is on our plate
for today? When we spread our energy between today and tomorrow, it
is hard to carry the challenges of the day or enjoy the fruits at
hand. However, when we walk with focus, step-by-step, we find that
in one day--sunset to sundown--we can carry whatever we must, love
and enjoy to the fullest, work and share at our full potential.
This focus is the single most important ingredient for living a
wonderful day.

Your Turn: 
Draw your attention to today and the joys and challenges at hand.
Whenever tomorrow or yesterday drift into view, refocus on the
matters at hand. Live richly in the moment.

Your Affirmation:
I accomplish everything I need to accomplish today.

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