I take nothing for granted. I now have only good days, or great days. - Lance Armstrong Sent in by Good Morning Reader Tracy from Ontario Good morning! What a wonderful quote and perspective! I find it so interesting that the power to have a good day or bad day is truly up to us. Yet very few people want to take responsibility and really own that fact. Instead they blame the external. While the external indeed does have influence, it doesn't have the final say--we do. We have the ability to make choices about our life and how we feel and what we do. There are many cultures where destiny is predetermined and choice is not existent. We have the choice to make today a good day or a great day. Let's use our power of choice and choose to challenge life! Your Turn Take not a moment for granted. Let go of bad days and have only good and great days. The choice is yours. Your Affirmation I experience only good days or great days.