“If you haven’t the strength to impose your own terms upon life, you must accept the terms it offers you.”-T.S. Eliot
Good morning! During a twenty-six city tour I was returning from a television appearance in Minneapolis and chatting with a colleague. We were discussing fatigue and stress. We both agreed that the weeks in which we thought about all we needed to accomplish on our to-do lists, but did very little, were weeks that often left us fatigued.
However, we also noticed that during the weeks in which we charged ahead and took action, instead of thinking about all that needed to be done, we were much more invigorated and less fatigued.
I think part of this ties into the quote offered by T.S. Eliot. When we are strong and we move forward, when we impose our terms upon life, we gain momentum, energy and additional strength. When we sit back and just analyze the terms life has offered us, it is easy to lose momentum.
Your Turn: Give yourself a quick and honest assessment. How much time do you spend thinking about all that you need to do? How much time do you actually spend moving ahead and taking action? How do you feel while engaging in both of those activities? Brainstorm some ideas for moving forward and implementing your terms for what you want to accomplish in your life. Then-most importantly-take action.
Today’s Affirmation: I do not settle for less then I deserve. I am not immobilized or overwhelmed by life’s challenges. I seize the day and move forward, greeting life and all it offers with open arms.
Boy, do I need this today. I just made a card with the affirmation, and am going to put it on my mirror in my bathroom so I can see it frequently. I’m sitting here, having slept late because the weather is dreary, and I have so much to do I don’t know where to start! I’m also procrastinating, and thinking about all I have to do, instead of just doing it! I thought about how I feel when I’m thinking versus doing, and there is a tremendous difference in my mood and outlook. I feel better “doing.” I just got my CAN and wrote my 3 to do’s for the day. Thank you!
boy does this ever hit home. i am easily overwhelmed by too much to do. life is too full for me now but there isn’t any out at the moment. i need to make the “I not immobilized…” my daily intention. i will give this to my 11 year old grandson too for we are both going thru a lot right now. i been learning about “intention” & how powerful it is. thanks Brook.