IA soul food card I made on courage…
good morning, life change, daily inspirations, change, life change, daily inspiration, inspiration, make a difference, live my best, live strong, women of faith, life balance, work-life balance, work life balance, how to be successful, i am unhappy, fix my life, i am out of control, help, i need help getting control of my life
Wow! To walk in and see this. I went through a tramatic event that shut me off for a long while. I don’t get the changes, the origional group is gone and I about hit a brick wall when I saw it all. So I came on over. This just sat there looking at me. So here I am. Where is everyone and nice new looks, but I’m lost! I can’t find the grad group cause my comp died in a power problem. I can’t find anyone!!!! Help! The above statement….I’m yelling…not giving up getting my life back…anybody out there?