“It isn’t how hard you kick — but how you kick.” Samantha Noel
(who is celebrating her 13th birthday today! AHH! A TEENAGER! Stop in and leave a comment to wish her a Happy one)
Good Morning! When Samantha was eleven-years-old she participated in several camp programs through the Milwaukee Public Museum. Group activities and group sports were held each afternoon.
Here is an entry I wrote one night after camp that is a personal “Sammy-favorite.”
I have been traveling for a week so when I landed tonight I picked up Sammy for a “girls’ night” to catch up. She was detailing the camp and the different students and the daily structure of the program.
Sammy has become more and more athletic, although she is not what I would call “naturally athletic.” However she has learned sports are much like any area of life–part of it is natural talent and the other part is what you do with what you have. With that mentality, she has learned to excel..
In this particular camp there was a girl who was struggling with group sports and group sport activities. During kickball she would often miss the ball completely or just punt a few feet and was constantly “out” without making it to base.
Sammy pulled her aside and said, “You don’t have to be naturally good at sports or super athletic to be a good player. It isn’t about kicking the ball hard or with force, but with confidence. Bring confidence to your kick and the ball will respond.” (In case you were wondering-this is an exact quote. Sammy has an amazing vocabulary and delivery. While I was traveling I asked her during a phone conversation why she was upset, as she sounded bothered, and she said, “Mother I am upset about multiple issues.”)
Back to our kickball story – so this girl went up to kick and took Sammy’s advice. She kicked the ball hard enough to make it all the way to second base. Then she ran with confidence on the subsequent teammate kicks and made it to home-plate for her first time.
Your Turn: Where in your life have you been thinking you need some “secret to success” or special talent to achieve the results you desire? Try following an 11-year-old’s advice. Approach your goal with confidence– you will be pleasantly surprised at how it responds. Use confidence and positive reinforcement to overcome the opinions of others and shine anyway… then make it to “home plate” for the goal of your choice.
Today’s Affirmation: I approach my actions and goals with confidence.
Happy 13th Birthday Sam
hope u have a specially day
Happy Birthday, Samantha. I ‘ve gained wisdom and insight from your quotes throughout the year-thank you. Enjoy the wonder years ahead!
Happy, healthy-Ann
Happy Birthday Sammy!!!
Deb from MO
Happy 13th Birthday Samantha! I’ve enjoyed “hearing” about you through your Mom’s writings. Enjoy your special day and wishes for a great year(s) to come!
Sam, wishing you a happy and healthy 13th birthday from Tennessee. Enjoy your early teenage years as they are most important for you. You ae loved! Bettye Kennedy
Wow. Awesome! Thanks, I needed this! Happy Birthday, Sammy!
Happy Birthday Samantha!!!!!! You are very wise for your years! Enjoy your special day!
Happy, Happy Birthday Samantha!!! I hope this one will be one of the great ones that you will remember for years to come!!!!
Hi Sam. Your quote meant a lot to me. I put it on a soul food card and will carry it with me today. Every time that I look at it, I will think of you. Have a great birthday. I also wanted to let you know how much your concerns about global warming inspired me. On the day of the Challenge, I made a commitment to plant a tree and I plant one every month through American Forests.
Thanks for the great advice, and Happy Birthday. I have a 13 year old son–and he’s challenging the common stereotypes about teenagers–I love having him around and we get to be better friends all the time–sounds like you and your mom have some great teenage years to look forward to as well. Have a great day!
Happy Birthday Samantha! I have a daughter who is 11 and I often think about her when I hear your Mom’s stories about you. I love today’s Good Morning and I am going to give this to my daughter who thinks she needs to be perfect right away so she tends to not even try. I hope you have a great day!
A very Happy Birthday to you, you smart insightful girl, and a wonderful year ahead!
Happy 13th Birthday Sammy–You’re the best!
Happy Birthday Samantha! Enjoy your day!!!!!!!!!!
The 13th birthday is very special and you are just the girl to really appreciate your new status as a teenager. Enjoy your day and remember to thank your mom for having you. It’s partly her day, too.
God Bless You and thank you for all your great “quotes” that your mom shares with us.
Happy 13th Birthday Sammy! Paraben’s e Feliz Anniversário (em portugués)
Many happy returns of the day! Which I see you have a good start on.
You are insightful and wise beyond your years, and an inspiration to so many of us!
Have the best year ever!
Just what I needed to hear today… out of the mouths of bab’s! Happy Birthday Samantha!!!
Happy Birthday Sammy! Such a huge milestone year for you! you are wise beyond your years my dear, life has much in store for you. Have fun, be smart, but above all, be safe!
Happy birthday, Sammy! I hope your day is absolutely the very best!!!
Happy Birthday Samantha! My God Bless you with many more happy years! You have been blessed with wisdom beyond your years, may you apply this knowledge and enjoy your life!
In prayer,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAMMY! Hope you had a wonderful day yesterday. God Bless
Hi Samantha!
Sorry this birthday greeting is a bit belated. Yesterday I was busy celebrating my best friend’s birthday and didn’t have a chance to write. (He has an adorable little sister named Sammy!) I am often reminded of my 14 year old son when I read what your mom writes about you. You have a very special mom and she is raising a very special girl…
Enjoy your teenage years!
Love, Devon
Lovely post. Please add my email address to your list and email me the updates if possible. I always like to read your blog and comment on it.