"To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time."--Leonard Bernstein Good morning! I love this quote because it holds an absolute truth that we often forget. So many times when we long to achieve greatness, we think we have to wait for "the right time." But the right time never comes. Life doesn't offer clear plateaus without something pulling us one direction or another. It is when we commit with a solid plan but don't have quite enough time, that we propel ourselves to action. We rid ourselves of excuses and move forward any way. I have also loved the quote, "The best thing about waiting till the last minute is then things only take a minute." While that quote is on the opposite end of the spectrum, it still holds that same spec of truth. When we give up the myth of that "perfect time" we propel ourselves toward action. Your turn: How has the myth of the perfect time held you from your goals? Repeat the quote above several times--let the myth go to propel yourself forward. Your affirmation: Any time is the perfect time for change