“Have the gumption to try something new, and the grit to see it through.”
~Karen Fonstad
Good morning!
Lately, I have been talking with a lot of people about energy and their lack of it. Fatigue seems to be a big problem this time of year. Perhaps it is the cold, or the shorter days, or maybe we are all just a little worn out after a busy holiday season.
In a book I was reading recently, it talked about how boredom breeds fatigue. Often when we get to that place where we are living on “auto-pilot” we aren’t creating new energy and zest in our lives. One of the quickest ways to cure this lack of energy is to reinvigorate ourselves through something we are passionate about. What do you really enjoy doing? What would you really like to try in your life? Is there a hobby that you have been neglecting or one you have always wanted to pursue?
Your Turn:
Think about what things you are passionate about. Value yourself enough this year to make a simple 10-20 minute space, 5 days a week, for that passion. The energy and excitement you gain will radiate every area of your life.
Think about what things you are passionate about. Value yourself enough this year to make a simple 10-20 minute space, 5 days a week, for that passion. The energy and excitement you gain will radiate every area of your life.
Your Affirmation:
I create a space for my passions in my daily life.
I create a space for my passions in my daily life.
Your Two Cents: Your feedback is what motivates me to create the Good Morning. Share your thoughts and browse my archives by clicking here.
And as always, don’t forget to start your day with a heartfelt: “Something great is going to happen today… I can’t wait to see what it is!”
And when ending your day ask yourself: “What is one more thing I can do to make today matter?”