“Try not to do too many things at once. Know what you want, the number-one thing today and tomorrow. Persevere and get it done.”-George Allen
Good morning! Allen reminds us of the power of focus and intent with this quote. Stop for a moment and look at your to-do list for the day. How many goals or projects are you chasing?
Imagine you are at a carnival. Your goal at the carnival is to gather as much candy and as many prizes as possible by winning the little carnival games. What would your strategy be? I would likely look at the games, choose which ones I was best at, start with those, and then work my way to the other games. What I wouldn’t do is try to play all the games at one time, running around the carnival like a madwoman.
However, in our lives, we often run around bouncing between a zillion goals and to-dos, trying to “get it all done.” What we often overlook is that spreading our energy and focus from task to task in a manic manner isn’t effective. We mustn’t confuse busyness with effectiveness. We are effective when we choose our primary focus points and attend to them, and then move on to the next item.
Your Turn: What items do you need to focus on today above all others? Write down three and commit to them above all others.
Today’s Affirmation: I focus and succeed.
I am really good at focusing on my goals at the office. Some things cannot wait until tomorrow and those are the first ones I do.
At home, a different story. I have started making a to-do list each day for the one or two goals I want to do for that day only and hope that will get me moving. With only a few to work on I am more likely to get to them. Unfortunately, life gets in the way and I get side-tracked. I’m a work in progress. But I really appreciate your daily affirmations. They keep me motivated. Thank you.
This is exactly what I need to hear, again and again and again. As I forget so quickly.
Why it is so hard to remember I do not know, one idea is the overwhelming demands we have pulling at us from the outside in…constant bombardment of urgent chaos!!
Thank you Brook for your vigilant effort to keep us grounded!
Bless you!!!
this is so true. one has to stay focused–its the KEY.
i hate to sound like a broken record but as you can see this is dated Aug 13, its the last Good Mrng i rec’d. when i check it says i’m a subscriber but i rarely receive my Gd Mrng letters.
thanks for the constant optimism. i lost mine somewhere & with your help i intend to find it. life is so much funner as an Optimist!!
I am really good at solving the worlds problems! JK Today I tried to focus and had some failures. The key is “starting over” again.
Cheers from Chicago!