Around the Corner: | “Do not ask God to guide your footsteps if you are not willing to move your feet.” ~Unknown, Shared by good morning reader Linda |
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Good morning!
I smiled when I read this quote. I wish I could print it in neon and post it in every square acre of the planet! Some people pray to God for change or guidance. Others just want change or guidance. Either way, there is always one very important question that needs to be asked: “What are you prepared to do?”
While we might desire, yearn or wish for change, if we aren’t prepared to be an active participant then we should not expect much. Being open to change is an important first step, meeting change half-way with action is the next.
Your Turn: How active have you been in pursuing change? Make sure your actions are equal to, or exceed, your desire.
Your Daily Affirmation: I am open to change and moving forward in action.