“A man can do only what he can do. But if he does that each day he
can sleep at night and do it again the next day.” – Albert
Good morning! Those of you who have joined the Make Today Matter
program know that I believe, “Just because our lives are
complicated doesn’t mean our systems have to be!”
Today’s quote helps me to realize that our lives don’t need to be
complicated either. Schweitzer has articulately stated what it
means to have a “fulfilling day” regardless of what happens between
sunrise and sundown.
Somewhere along the way, we have learned to make our days more
complicated than necessary by focusing on things that are not
within our control. Or we spend a large part of our day sidetracked
by the past or pre-occupied with the future. If we keep our hearts
and minds focused on the day at hand and “give it all we’ve got,”
then we can rest soundly at night.
Your Turn:
Today, push back thoughts of yesterday and worries about tomorrow.
Stay focused on the day and moments at hand. Give it all you’ve
got–then sleep soundly tonight.
Your Affirmation:
I give each day my all.