Good Morning: Focus on Today

“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts
are conscious of our treasures.” 
~Thornton Wilder

Good morning!

When I started the Change Your Life Challenge program, my primary
motive was to turn off the “auto-pilot” in my life. I am sure you
are familiar with autopilot. You can see it actively in your life
when one day fades into another and before you know it a week, a
month or a year has gone by and you are left wondering, “Where did
that time go?” I wanted to find a way to practice living
moment-to-moment and treasuring each moment for the true gift that
it is.

I stumbled across this Thornton Wilder quote while doing a search
for “Thanksgiving.” It summarizes that Change Your Life Challenge
mission of turning off auto-pilot. When we are conscious of all our
treasures and we focus on those treasures, our lives become rich
and valuable moment-to-moment.

Your Turn:
Today, turn off your auto-pilot. Be fully present in each moment.
Focus on the treasures you have moment to moment instead of what is
missing in your life.

Your Affirmation:
Each moment I am present and conscious of life’s many treasures.

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