Around the Corner: |
“The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn.”
~David Russell |
Make Today Matter
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Good morning!
While we all know that sometimes it is important to push ourselves forward and sometimes it is important to let go, knowing when to do each isn’t always easy. It is at these times we need to learn to recognize and hear that little voice inside of us that intuitively knows where we need to go and will not lead us astray. However, when we go years “out of practice” at listening to that voice–she can become very hard to hear. Like all skills, we must practice listening and respecting to that inner voice. We must heed it and honor it and she will return to being a guiding force in our lives. When we listen to her, and we connect regularly with God, we have a light post in our lives to help guide our way.
Your turn: As you face decisions today, even small ones, practice listening to that little inner voice. Quiet your mind and let your heart speak. Continue to practice this listening skill to help you lead a healthy life of wise choices. Your affirmation: I take the time to quiet my mind and listen to my heart. |
(c) 2011 Brook Noel and Make Today Matter, LLC. For more information visit |