How to get out of your own way and get things done
Have you ever found yourself saying any of the following…
- “I know I should I really get this done, but I just don’t know where to start.”
- “I feel too overwhelmed to begin.”
- “I’ll never get caught up.”
Or, have you ever felt that…
- If I could just get one or two things accomplished, life would look a bit different.
- If I could just get started, I could do it.
- With my procrastination tendencies, I’ll never get anything done.
- I don’t know how other people get it all done–I must be a born procrastinator.
You aren’t alone. Procrastination is a word that has haunted many people but it doesn’t have to! While many people would have you believe that springing into action and “just doing it” is the quickest cure, it isn’t a long-term solution. All actions start with attitude. We have to uncover why we procrastinate and cure the cause in order to find long-term relief. Several points covered are:
- Understanding why you procrastinate through our in-depth self-survey (You are in for a big surprise on this one!)
- Your personal procrastination type and the action steps for improvement
- How to use mini-boot-camps to get yourself moving
- How to uncover the attitude behind your action (or inaction)
- Journalizing exercises to get to the bottom of your procrastination personality
- Learn how to reprogram yourself for success
- Complete obstacle exercises to discover solutions before problems arise
- Create a mission statement and action plan to overcome an area where you have been procrastinating
In this e-workbook you’ll complete a 50 question quiz to determine what procrastination personalities are present in your life. Then you will learn strategies to work with these personalities instead of against them and write a prescription for procrastination. This in-depth exploration takes you step by step through the 86 page workbook outlined below. Three audio workshops are also included.
Includes 86 page E-Workbook and 3 Audio Sessions on CD-ROM
- Lesson 1.1 Determining Your Personal Procrastination Score
The Eight Phase Cycle – What procrastination looks like:
Procrastination Primer “Before” Evaluation
- Lesson 1.2 Understanding the Basics of Change
- Lesson 1.3 Creating a Procrastination Inventory
- Procrastination Inventory Worksheet 1
- Lesson 1.4 Asking (and answering) the Right Questions
- Lesson 1.5 Your Procrastination Quiz Analysis
- Lesson 2.1 Interpreting Your Quiz Results the 10 Procrastination Personality Types
- Lesson 2.2 Writing Your Personal Procrastination Prescription
- Lesson 2.3 Exploring In-Depth – Part I
- Lesson 2.4 Exploring In-Depth – Part II
- Lesson 2.5 Evaluating What You Have Learned to Date and Creating a Mini-Mission
Procrastination Rx
- Lesson 3.1 Going Deeper: Emotional Responses Part One
- Lesson 3.2 Going Deeper: Emotional Responses Part Two
- Lesson 3.3 Reprogramming for Success
Working with Emotional Responses Part One
- Lesson 3.4 Reprogramming for Success Working with Emotional
Working with Emotional Responses Part Two
- Lesson 3.5 Preparing for Launch: Outlining Your First Full Mission
Mission Survey
- Lesson 4.1 Let Your Mission Begin
- Lesson 4.2 Reality Check Exercise
- Lesson 4.3 Obstacles
- Lesson 4.4 Building Our Base through Evaluation
- Lesson 4.5 The Procrastination Motivation and Spectrum and Wrap-Up
Also available as an online class
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