Every action in our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity. Edwin Hubbel Chapin, American Clergyman (1814-1880) Good morning. Hubbel’s words can be somewhat scary if we truly embrace them. For his words affirm we are important … Continue reading
Category Archives: Goals
Let’s face it… most of us are great at setting goals; in fact, we are goal-setting experts. We have set goals a thousand times or more. What we are not so great at is reaching them. In order to help … Continue reading
I will never take a step backward – sideways, diagonally, up, down, but never back. A Toyota insert in the June 2005 issue of O Magazine Good morning! I was flipping through old magazines while looking for some positive sayings … Continue reading
“What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?”–Judy Vilmain Good morning! With the New Year on the horizon, take a few minutes today to dream big and think about what you want to accomplish. Spend … Continue reading
It seems society if filled with people who love to ponder. We think about doing one thing or another, weigh the pros and cons, and then continue to think some more. … Continue reading
A New Year, A New You!
When: Monday, January 26 through February 1, 2009
Where: 7 Day Challenge Group on Facebook
For full details visit: http://www.maketodaymatter.net/tour.htm
Who: Anyone! Tell your friends!
What: A completely free week-long interactive workshop with bestselling author Brook Noel
Join bestselling author Brook Noel for a free week-long interactive workshop to help you manage time, hone in on your goals, live by your priorities, reclaim energy, and create contentment.
rook Noel shares how simple change can be with six proven and practical strategies to help women manage time effectively, get organized, decrease stress, live by their priorities, and get 2009 off to a balanced and exciting start.
Attendees will receive a free downloadable workbook that Brook will guide participants through during the week long workshop. Each day, Monday through Saturday, participants can login and view the day’s video or audio challenge. These targeted segments average five minutes in length and end with an Action Step to apply. An optional support forum is available for participants to post progress. Participants can also post questions to Brook which she will answer on Sunday, the final day of the workshop, via teleconference.
Brook shares how her personal journey for a better life became a journey shared by over 100,000 women in two years and how the Change Your Life Challenge can help you.
Brook shares how the simple practice of a Three-Step Action List can revolutionize your life and help you accomplish over 1,000 actions to enrich your life this year.
One of the biggest myths of managing time, tasks, thoughts, reminders, and daily life is the belief that because our lives are complicated our systems must be complicated. In this segment Brook will teach you how to create and use a Catch-All Notebook to streamline time and life management.
Studies have shown that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It affects our energy level, metabolism, focus ability, and health. Undoubtedly the first fuel of the day for the body is very important. Equally important is the first emotional fuel for the mind. Brook shares how to get your day off to a great start with a Good Morning routine.
Prevent the pile-up of to-dos and overcome procrastination with a planned Power Hour. In this segment Brook will help you complete the Power Hour Worksheet to process items on your todo list effectively and efficiently.
Learn how to use Brook’s Snapshot Tool to continue making positive changes, while also evaluating and planning the priorities that will guide you in 2009.
At any time during the week submit your question about the daily challenges, or questions on money management, time management, organization, household management, and menu planning. Then listen in to hear Brook answer the questions of the week.
Statistics reveal resolutions are “out” with less than 50% of Americans setting resolutions when the clock strikes midnight. It wasn’t long ago 88% of Americans greeted the New Year with resolution, intention and expectation. What’s changed?
“Historically more than 80% of resolutions are abandoned by late February,” says life management expert and bestselling author Brook Noel. “Many women believe they are doomed before they begin. A resolution becomes another pressure in an already pressure-filled life.”
Brook Noel encourages women to “give up the cape” and accept that while they can’t do everything; they can do something! Here are 12 of Brook’s tips to take with you on your journey to transform your resolutions into reality.
Write your goal down in one sentence and make sure it is S.M.A.R.T. – The S.M.A.R.T. acronym stands for…
SPECIFIC: Make sure your goal specifically states what you desire to accomplish. “Become healthier,” is not a specific goal. “Improve my health by adding one new healthy habit each week for 52 weeks,” is a specific goal.
MEASURABLE: Make sure your goal can be measured so that you will know if you have achieved your objective. The above example is measurable, because you could clearly measure whether or not you reached the goal.
ATTAINABLE: Do a soul-search to determine if you have the resources needed (and energy/attitude) to reach this goal against the timeline you set. If you do not have the resources, make sure to include the process of attaining them within your goal plan.
REALISTIC: Many people take an all-or-nothing approach to goals. A great example is a woman who wants to pursue healthy lifestyle changes. She sets a goal for January 1 where she is going to join a health club, exercise everyday, change all her eating habits and give up sweets — STARTING the next day! We have to remember that part of any goal is forming new habits, which means often replacing and reprogramming old habits. This doesn’t happen overnight. While we might be able to adhere to a schedule like this for a short time, it will be hard to sustain long-term. If you have set up a goal like this, now is the perfect time to revisit it and make a realistic plan.
TIMELY: Make sure to have an end date for your goal. This is what transforms a wish into a goal. Wishes don’t have deadlines – goals do! In addition to an end date, identify key milestones at the 25%, 50% and 75% mark to track your progress.
Aim for improvement, not perfection: Many people make rigid goals – i.e. exercise EVERY day for 20 minutes. Or drink 60 ounce of water EVERY day. Every day is a lot of days! When setting a goal it is important to optimize your opportunity for success and also create the opportunity to EXCEED your goal. If you set a goal for 7 days per week, it is impossible to exceed the goal unless you have a magic-machine that creates an 8th day (if so, please send it my way!) Instead, set a goal for 5 days or less per week.
Take control of your time. Schedule the time you will need to complete your goal on your planner. Obviously, this goal is important to you or you wouldn’t have set it. Respect this “goal time” as you would any other appointment.
Be accountable: Whether it is an online group, a friend, a coach, a doctor, a spouse, or a child – share your goal plan with someone who will hold you accountable. Join our 5 Week Online Goal Workshop for group accountability, help, and support.
Inventory your obstacles: There is a quote that states if we wait for the right time, it never comes. The truth is that we are unlikely to hit a long space of time where we can focus on our goals without obstacles and interruptions. Instead of using interruptions and obstacles as an excuse to “back off a goal,” create a notebook for listing obstacles and interruptions. Brainstorm solutions and options for as many as you can. As you hit more obstacles (which is part of any process) add them to the list. Brainstorm solutions with others if needed.
Energy: For any goal, we need to have the physical and emotional energy to keep us motivated and moving forward. Remember to take care of yourself through food, diet and relaxation so you have the stamina to pursue your goal.
Encourage yourself: Recognize each small step you take forward by keeping a daily record of your progress. Write down even the littlest of steps. One of my favorite Chinese Proverbs is : “Be not afraid of going slowly, be only afraid of standing still.” Instead of looking at what you haven’t done yet, review this notebook regularly and pat yourself on the back. There is no quicker route to goal-abandonment than a bad attitude.
Revise… don’t abandon: If you hit a road block and go off track in your goal, don’t abandon your goal and wait for “another time.” Instead, sit down and revise your plan, using the knowledge you have gained to create a more concrete plan for the next time around. What separates those who achieve their goals from those who don’t is perseverance. I have created more than 2 dozen goal plans to reach a single goal– each one carried me a bit further than the last. When we persevere, we will get there.
Your Turn: Take at least one hour this week to really think through what you want to bring into your life in 2009. Then create a S.M.A.R.T. goal as your first step toward success.
Continue reading“You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through.” -Rosalynn Smith Carter Good morning! Envisioning the target of a goal is a great tool while implementing new ideas into your personal improvement plan. … Continue reading